Monday, May 20, 2013

Reminiscing of Fatter Days

Watching Louie Anderson the comedian   try to get out of the pool on "Splash" brought me back to my swim team days. That first relay when I didn't have a ladder to use to get me out of the pool and it took 2 people and me trying as hard as we could to get me out if the pool. 

 It felt like a slap in the face, I could have quit that day but I didn't. I don't know if I was ever able to get out on my own, but I do know that I kept swimming and I didn't let my weight and lack of strength stop me.

Yesterday I was at a pool party and I was able to get out of the pool on the side with out the stairs. It was an amazing feeling, but I think I'll use the stairs from now on, I have some really nice cuts on my knees from doing that!

Sometimes you start out thinking that something is impossible, and in the end you learn that it is possible! 

Love and hugs,

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